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Why Am I Losing My Hair?

Female pattern balding also know as hormonal hair loss or androgenic alopecia is surprisingly common, affecting 30% of the female population at some stage in their lives.

Why am I losing my hair?

Female pattern baldness, more commonly known to medical professionals as hormonal hair loss or Androgenetic Alopecia, is surprisingly common and affects approximately 30% of the female population at some point in their lives.

Where male pattern baldness is usually concentrated to the hair line, temples and crown, for women this hair loss tends to be spread more diffusely throughout the scalp behind a usually preserved hairline. Hair loss within women can be related to a number of factors, including but not limited to genetic predisposition, abnormal hormone levels, underlying pre-existing medical conditions, stress and in some cases even diet. Due to the vast number of potential causes, a thorough consultation and evaluation is incredibly important in order to identify and treat any associated medical conditions before any surgery, in some cases, this alone is enough to reverse the hair loss, however in other cases this can stabilise the hair loss and may allow us to consider transplant surgery for appropriate patients with sufficient donor hair supply.

Our highly refined follicular unit transplantation techniques enable us to perform hair transplant procedures within existing thin hair to help achieve a dramatic change in appropriate candidates. At Better Hair Transplant Clinics, we provide a full range of surgical and non-surgical treatment specifically designed to aid hair loss in women.

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If you feel that you could benefit from one of our revolutionary hair loss treatments and would like to schedule a consultation with us, please let us know using the form below!